October Update

Hi everyone! I know I’ve been pretty slim on updates here on carolapark.com. That's because I've been hard at work completing the beta draft and then developmental edits of my next novel, Sweetblade. Sweetblade is a standalone novel set in the Heretic Gods universe that focuses on Ivana’s backstory. I’m on track to release Sweetblade in December and I'm excited to get this story into your hands. I hope people enjoy it as much as they've been enjoying Banebringer.Speaking of Banebringer, I wanted to say thanks to all of you that have purchased, read, and rated or reviewed Banebringer. Reviews are the lifeblood of independent (really, any!) authors. Banebringer has received some glowing reviews and I'm thrilled that people are enjoying it. A few highlights:"The book hooks you at the get-go with a unique feel to the world, and Park's appropriately fast-paced writing keeps you engaged so the book flies by." -BriarGrey (Reddit)"I highly recommend this book for those who appreciate character depth, love a good mystery and like an inspirational but realistic female heroine." -Amber Gregory (Goodreads)"I read half the book in a single day, and then the other half another day, reading sprees the likes of which I have not had since my younger Harry Potter days." Travis Riddle (Goodreads, and fellow SPFBO entrant!)Check out other reviews on Goodreads or Amazon.In October, I had the opportunity to be the “Writer of the Day” on r/fantasy. I enjoyed answering questions and was super excited to give my very first RAFO! If you’re interested in what was discussed, feel free to check out the conversation here. Also in October, Michael Baker graciously posted an interview on his blog with yours truly as part of his SPFBO interview series.Since I’m gearing up for the release of Sweetblade, I’ll have a few more updates soon—most notably, my cover artist is hard at work on the cover art, and I'm certain it’s going to be AMAZING.Until next time!


November Update


SPFBO 2018