July/August/September Update

It seems two to three months is the average amount of time it takes for enough things to happen to warrant an update, so it's time for my bi-/tri-monthly update!

Status of Cursebreaker (Heretic Gods #2)

Cursebreaker is now with my editor! That means:

  1. I'm on track for a December release, and that's not going to change now (phew). By the time I post my next update, I should have an actual release date for you.
  2. Cursebreaker is in its final stages! Woohoo!

Next steps: once I get the manuscript back from my editor, I have to make the edits, finalize the internal formatting (including proofreading) and finalize the cover art. The cover art is in process and mostly out of my hands, other than brainstorming with the cover artist, looking over concepts and sketches, and giving her my stamp of approval. Look for a cover reveal early November!

I'm also hoping to put a map in this book, as I think readers who like maps to keep track of where the characters are will definitely want one this time around. (And if you don't like maps, you can ignore it!) Right now, this is a DIY project using a fantasy map-making software. At first, I wasn't sure if this was something I'd be able to manage, but I didn't think my first fledgling attempts were half-bad, so we'll see what happens.

Banebringer (Heretic Gods #1) Audio Version

The Banebringer audio is also in its final stages! I've finished reviewing the audio myself and just sent it back to the narrator for any final corrections. I'm super pleased with how it turned out and can't wait to share it with audio book fans. Look for that coming your way soon.

Sweetblade and SPFBO5

As you may recall from my last update, I entered Sweetblade in SPFBO5 (what is SPFBO?). Well, I'm excited to share that it was just selected (as in, I found out today) as a semi-finalist for the blog group it's in, superstardrifter. You can read the announcement and review here. Woohoo!!!

Actual footage of me finding out Sweetblade's semi-finalist status earlier (via GIPHY).

Odds n' Ends

Speaking of SPFBO, my SPFBO interview at BookNest.eu posted not too long ago. Take a look here, and if anyone gets my joke in response to the last question, tell me so I know I'm not alone... XD

Also a few weeks ago, I had the honor of being the judging author for Justine Bergman's #CallToArms Twitter gif competition. It was a lot of fun, and much thanks go to Justine, who runs the Whispers & Wonder blog, for hosting! Take a look at the winning gif (and all previous winners) here and view the hilarity on Twitter here.

Looking to the future, I'll be at the Bucks County Book Festival in Doylestown, PA on October 13, sharing a table with the illustrious D.P. Woolliscroft and Kayleigh Nicol. If you're in the area, stop by and say hi!

Well, that's about it for now! The last few months of 2019 are pretty busy. Next update, you can expect release info on Cursebreaker, news about the Banebringer audio, and teasers for my brand-new epic fantasy series coming your way April/May of next year!


Oct/Nov/Dec Update


May/June Update