Welcome! You’ve reached the website of Carol A. Park, author of epic, dark, and romantic fantasy
Just a note—I recently transferred my site to a new hosting service, and everything should be in working order, but if you run across an error, my apologies. I’m still in the process of fine-tuning. Thanks!
The books
The Heretic Gods
(dark epic romantic fantasy)
Banebringer (Heretic Gods #1) - May 1, 2018
Cursebreaker (Heretic Gods #2) - Dec 12, 2019
Bloodmaster (Heretic Gods #3) - Forthcoming
Sweetblade (Heretic Gods Stand-Alone) - Dec 28, 2018
The Chronicles of the Lady Sar
(hopeful epic romantic fantasy)
A World Broken (Chronicles of the Lady Sar #1) - Oct 29, 2020
The author
Carol A. Park is a fantasy author who lives in western Maryland with her husband and two young and active boys.
Her books are secondary world fantasy, and the more epic, the better. Her novels are generally characterized by nuanced magic systems, character-driven stories, and mature romance.
What People Are Saying
“Carol A. Park’s first novel deserves a whole lot of attention for its solid characters, worldbuilding, romance and an impressively deep and deliciously complex magic system!.”
— Booknest on Banebringer
“It’s definitely worth a look for fantasy fans looking for something a bit darker, as well as those who want an in-depth, evolving magic system. The relationship between the two main characters is engaging, their “opposites attract” dynamic written with depth, maturity, and with a bit of a twist”
— Paper Plane Reviews on Banebringer
“Just when I think there's no way I could read yet another great fantasy debut, I'm proven wrong. Banebringer is an exciting, well-developed, and deeply intriguing fantasy that I am so glad to have had the chance to read.”
— Forever Lost in Literature on Banebringer
“If you enjoyed Ivanna in Banebringer and want to know more about her past, Sweetblade is going to be right up your alley. If you liked the world and magic and are looking for more of that then you’ll need to wait for Banebringer’s sequel. If none of that matters then this is just a good solid read and has me even more excited for the sequel to Banebringer.”
— Starlitbook on Sweetblade
“Cursebreaker delivers an amazing character-driven tale. Its pacing is superb, its story beats strong, and the build-up to the finale is amazing. As the dust settles from this tale, it lets the reader have a strong understanding of what is to come while leaving enough room to still let the future narrative surprise. I cannot wait for what comes next.”